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This section provides instructions on how to initialize the WalletKit client, approve sessions with supported namespaces, and respond to session requests, enabling easy integration of Web3 wallets with dapps through a simple and intuitive interface.


Links to sections on this page. Some sections are platform specific and are only visible when the platform is selected. To view a summary of useful platform specific topics, check out Extra (Platform Specific) under this section.

Initialization: Creating a new WalletKit instance and initializing it with a projectId from Cloud.

Session: Connection between a dapp and a wallet.

To check the full list of platform specific instructions for your preferred platform, go to Extra (Platform Specific) and select your platform.

Don't have a project ID?

Head over to WalletConnect Cloud and create a new project now!

Get startedcloud illustration


val projectId = "" // Get Project ID at
val relayUrl = ""
val serverUrl = "wss://$relayUrl?projectId=$projectId"
val connectionType = ConnectionType.AUTOMATIC or ConnectionType.MANUAL
val telemetryEnabled: Boolean = true
val appMetaData = Core.Model.AppMetaData(
name = "Wallet Name",
description = "Wallet Description",
url = "Wallet URL",
icons = /*list of icon url strings*/,
redirect = "kotlin-wallet-wc:/request" // Custom Redirect URI

CoreClient.initialize(relayServerUrl = serverUrl, connectionType = connectionType, application = this, metaData = appMetaData, telemetryEnabled = telemetryEnabled)

val initParams = Wallet.Params.Init(core = CoreClient)

Web3Wallet.initialize(initParams) { error ->
// Error will be thrown if there's an issue during initialization

The WalletKit client will always be responsible for exposing accounts (CAIP10 compatible) to a Dapp and therefore is also in charge of signing. To initialize the WalletKit client, create a Wallet.Params.Init object in the Android Application class with the Core Client. The Wallet.Params.Init object will then be passed to the Web3Walletinitialize function.

The telemetry feature aims to improve the reliability and observability of connection flows between decentralized applications (dapps) and wallets. It focuses solely on collecting data about code execution and error codes, without tracking any sensitive user information like amounts, accounts etc.

It provides a comprehensive tracing system for three key use cases:

  • Subscribing to a Pairing Topic
  • Approving a Session
  • Approving an Authenticated Session

Each execution trace consists of:

  • Trace Events: Collected to verify the proper execution of code.
  • Error Events: Captured when errors occur during the trace, halting the execution trace.

When an error event is encountered, it is stored locally within the SDK along with all preceding trace events. These stored events are then transmitted to the server whenever the SDK is initialized.

Error event tracing is enabled by default.

Telemetry Enabled (telemetryEnabled = true):

  • The SDK stores events and sends them to the server.

Telemetry Disabled (telemetryEnabled = false):

  • The SDK stops storing new events and deletes all unsent events from local storage upon the next initialization.

Important Note: Since the SDK only stores abstract trace and error data, user identification is not possible.

Example of the error events:

"eventId": "69e53f11-fd4b-4efc-8d36-1f60a9ac8207",
"bundleId": "com.wallet.example",
"timestamp": 1689611327943,
"props": {
"event": "ERROR",
"type": "pairing_already_exists",
"properties": {
"topic": "topic1",
"trace": [
"eventId": "69e53f11-fd4b-4efc-8d36-2321312fds",
"bundleId": "com.wallet.example",
"timestamp": 16896113234323,
"props": {
"event": "ERROR",
"type": "session_approve_namespace_validation_failure",
"properties": {
"topic": "topic2",
"trace": ["session_approve_started", "proposal_not_expired"]


A session is a connection between a dapp and a wallet. It is established when a user approves a session proposal from a dapp. A session is active until the user disconnects from the dapp or the session expires.

Namespace Builder

With WalletKit 1.7.0 we've published a helper utility that greatly reduces the complexity of parsing the required and optional namespaces. It accepts as parameters a session proposal along with your wallet's chains, methods, events, and accounts (supported namespaces) and returns ready-to-use namespaces object that has to be passed into Wallet.Params.SessionApprove when approving a session.

val supportedNamespaces: Wallet.Model.Namespaces.Session = /* a map of all supported namespaces created by a wallet */
val sessionProposal: Wallet.Model.SessionProposal = /* an object received by `fun onSessionProposal(sessionProposal: Wallet.Model.SessionProposal)` in `Web3Wallet.WalletDelegate` */
val sessionNamespaces = Web3Wallet.generateApprovedNamespaces(sessionProposal, supportedNamespaces)

val approveParams: Wallet.Params.SessionApprove = Wallet.Params.SessionApprove(proposerPublicKey, sessionNamespaces)
Web3Wallet.approveSession(approveParams) { error -> /*callback for error while approving a session*/ }

Examples of supported namespaces:

 val supportedNamespaces = mapOf(
"eip155" to Wallet.Model.Namespace.Session(
chains = listOf("eip155:1", "eip155:137", "eip155:3"),
methods = listOf("personal_sign", "eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction"),
events = listOf("chainChanged"),
accounts = listOf("eip155:1:0x57f48fAFeC1d76B27e3f29b8d277b6218CDE6092", "eip155:137:0x57f48fAFeC1d76B27e3f29b8d277b6218CDE6092", "eip155:3:0x57f48fAFeC1d76B27e3f29b8d277b6218CDE6092")

val anotherSupportedNamespaces = mapOf(
"eip155" to Wallet.Model.Namespace.Session(
chains = listOf("eip155:1", "eip155:2", "eip155:4"),
methods = listOf("personal_sign", "eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction"),
events = listOf("chainChanged", "accountsChanged"),
accounts = listOf("eip155:1:0x57f48fAFeC1d76B27e3f29b8d277b6218CDE6092", "eip155:2:0x57f48fAFeC1d76B27e3f29b8d277b6218CDE6092", "eip155:4:0x57f48fAFeC1d76B27e3f29b8d277b6218CDE6092")
"cosmos" to Wallet.Model.Namespace.Session(
chains = listOf("cosmos:cosmoshub-4"),
methods = listOf("cosmos_method"),
events = listOf("cosmos_event"),
accounts = listOf("cosmos:cosmoshub-4:cosmos1hsk6jryyqjfhp5dhc55tc9jtckygx0eph6dd02")

EVM methods & events

In @walletconnect/ethereum-provider, (our abstracted EVM SDK for apps) we support by default the following Ethereum methods and events:

methods: [
events: [

Session Approval


Addresses provided in accounts array should follow CAIP-10 semantics.

val proposerPublicKey: String = /*Proposer publicKey from SessionProposal object*/
val namespace: String = /*Namespace identifier, see for reference:*/
val accounts: List<String> = /*List of accounts on chains*/
val methods: List<String> = /*List of methods that wallet approves*/
val events: List<String> = /*List of events that wallet approves*/
val namespaces: Map<String, Wallet.Model.Namespaces.Session> = mapOf(namespace, Wallet.Model.Namespaces.Session(accounts, methods, events))

val approveParams: Wallet.Params.SessionApprove = Wallet.Params.SessionApprove(proposerPublicKey, namespaces)
Web3Wallet.approveSession(approveParams) { error -> /*callback for error while approving a session*/ }

To send an approval, pass a Proposer's Public Key along with the map of namespaces to the Web3Wallet.approveSession function.

Session Rejection

val proposerPublicKey: String = /*Proposer publicKey from SessionProposal object*/
val rejectionReason: String = /*The reason for rejecting the Session Proposal*/
val rejectionCode: String = /*The code for rejecting the Session Proposal*/
For reference use CAIP-25:

val rejectParams: Wallet.Params.SessionReject = SessionReject(proposerPublicKey, rejectionReason, rejectionCode)
Web3Wallet.rejectSession(rejectParams) { error -> /*callback for error while rejecting a session*/ }

To send a rejection for the Session Proposal, pass a proposerPublicKey, rejection reason and rejection code to the Web3Wallet.rejectSession function.

Responding to Session requests

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val jsonRpcResponse: Wallet.Model.JsonRpcResponse.JsonRpcResult = /*Active Session Request ID along with request data*/
val result = Wallet.Params.SessionRequestResponse(sessionTopic = sessionTopic, jsonRpcResponse = jsonRpcResponse)

Web3Wallet.respondSessionRequest(result) { error -> /*callback for error while responding session request*/ }

To respond to JSON-RPC method that were sent from Dapps for a session, submit a Wallet.Params.SessionRequestResponse with the session's topic and request ID along with the respond data to the Web3Wallet.respondSessionRequest function.

Updating a Session

NOTE: addresses provided in accounts array should follow CAIP10 semantics.

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val namespace: String = /*Namespace identifier, see for reference:*/
val accounts: List<String> = /*List of accounts on chains*/
val methods: List<String> = /*List of methods that wallet approves*/
val events: List<String> = /*List of events that wallet approves*/
val namespaces: Map<String, Wallet.Model.Namespaces.Session> = mapOf(namespace, Wallet.Model.Namespaces.Session(accounts, methods, events))
val updateParams = Wallet.Params.SessionUpdate(sessionTopic, namespaces)

Web3Wallet.updateSession(updateParams) { error -> /*callback for error while sending session update*/ }

To update a session with namespaces, submit a Wallet.Params.SessionUpdate object with the session's topic and namespaces to update session with to Web3Wallet.updateSession.

Extending a Session

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val extendParams = Wallet.Params.SessionExtend(sessionTopic = sessionTopic)

Web3Wallet.extendSession(extendParams) { error -> /*callback for error while extending a session*/ }

To extend a session, create a Wallet.Params.SessionExtend object with the session's topic to update the session with to Web3Wallet.extendSession. Session is extended by 7 days.

Session Disconnect

val disconnectionReason: String = /*The reason for disconnecting the Session*/
val disconnectionCode: String = /*The code for disconnecting the Session*/
val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic from the Session*/
For reference use CAIP-25:
val disconnectParams = Wallet.Params.SessionDisconnect(sessionTopic, disconnectionReason, disconnectionCode)

Web3Wallet.disconnectSession(disconnectParams) { error -> /*callback for error while disconnecting a session*/ }

To disconnect from un active session, pass a disconnection reason with code and the Session topic to the Web3Wallet.disconnectSession function.

Extra (Platform Specific)


val walletDelegate = object : Web3Wallet.WalletDelegate {
override fun onSessionProposal(sessionProposal: Wallet.Model.SessionProposal, verifyContext: Wallet.Model.VerifyContext) {
// Triggered when wallet receives the session proposal sent by a Dapp

fun onSessionAuthenticate(sessionAuthenticate: Wallet.Model.SessionAuthenticate, verifyContext: Wallet.Model.VerifyContext) {
// Triggered when wallet receives the session authenticate sent by a Dapp

override fun onSessionRequest(sessionRequest: Wallet.Model.SessionRequest, verifyContext: Wallet.Model.VerifyContext) {
// Triggered when a Dapp sends SessionRequest to sign a transaction or a message

override fun onAuthRequest(authRequest: Wallet.Model.AuthRequest, verifyContext: Wallet.Model.VerifyContext) {
// Triggered when Dapp / Requester makes an authorization request

override fun onSessionDelete(sessionDelete: Wallet.Model.SessionDelete) {
// Triggered when the session is deleted by the peer

override fun onSessionSettleResponse(settleSessionResponse: Wallet.Model.SettledSessionResponse) {
// Triggered when wallet receives the session settlement response from Dapp

override fun onSessionUpdateResponse(sessionUpdateResponse: Wallet.Model.SessionUpdateResponse) {
// Triggered when wallet receives the session update response from Dapp

override fun onConnectionStateChange(state: Wallet.Model.ConnectionState) {
//Triggered whenever the connection state is changed

override fun onError(error: Wallet.Model.Error) {
// Triggered whenever there is an issue inside the SDK

Wallet.Event.VerifyContext provides a domain verification information about SessionProposal, SessionRequest and AuthRequest. It consists of origin of a Dapp from where the request has been sent, validation Enum that says whether origin is VALID, INVALID or UNKNOWN and verify url server.

data class VerifyContext(
val id: Long,
val origin: String,
val validation: Model.Validation,
val verifyUrl: String

enum class Validation {

The Web3Wallet needs a Web3Wallet.WalletDelegate passed to it for it to be able to expose asynchronous updates sent from the Dapp.

Format message

To receive formatted SIWE message, call formatMessage method with following parameters:

val payloadParams: Wallet.Params.PayloadParams = //PayloadParams received in the onAuthRequest callback
val issuer = //MUST be the same as send with the respond methods and follows:
val formatMessage = Wallet.Params.FormatMessage(event.payloadParams, issuer)


Register Device Token

This method enables wallets to receive push notifications from WalletConnect's Push Server via Firebase Cloud Messaging. This means you will have to setup your project with Firebase before being able to call registerDeviceToken method.

Make sure that a service extending the FirebaseMessagingService is added to your manifest as per the Firebase FCM documentation as well as any other setup Firebase requires Firebase setup documentation.

To register a wallet to receive WalletConnect push notifications, call Web3Wallet.registerDeviceToken and pass the Firebase Access Token.

val firebaseAccessToken: String = //FCM access token received through the Firebase Messaging SDK

onSuccess = {
// callback triggered once registered successfully with the Push Server
onError = { error: Wallet.Model.Error ->
// callback triggered if there's an exception thrown during the registration process